Your destination in Brandnertal

Apartment Zimbablick

Barbara und Bernd Grünewald



Telefon: +49 (0)560895136

Mobil: +49 (0)151 178848888

Fax: +49 (0)561/7054362


Please contact our management system AAA-Apartments for inquiries and bookings


languages: English, German

Arrival by train

You may travel by train to Bludenz (station of the international EC/IC traines). From the main station Bludenz you can take the bus or taxi to Bürserberg, Brandnertal.

Arrival by car

Bürserberg is located in Vorarlberg, close to the Bodensee and border with Switzerland and Germany, and about 5 km from Bludenz.

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apartment Zimbablick, Vorarlberg, arrival
apartment Zimbablick, Montafon, arrival

More information to your arrival, winter equipment und vignette can be found at the website of the tourist information

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